

英漢字典: fix up

1. arrange; make arrangements for安排;為…作好安排

    Let's fix up to have a picnic together. 我們一起來安排一次野餐。

    Let's fix up a time that suits everybody. 讓我們安排一個對所有人都合適的時間吧。

    I have fixed up about the bus for next Saturday. 下星期六用公共汽車的事我已安排好了。

    We've fixed up to go out tonight. 我們已經安排今晚出門。

    I fixed up to go abroad for a holiday. 我安排出國度假。

2. fit or put up; install安裝

    A screen was fixed up to protect the spectators from the wind and rain. 安裝了一個篷子使觀眾免于風吹雨淋。

    Jim has fixed up a workbench in his garden. 吉姆在花園裡安裝了一個工作台。

    They fixed up a temporary platform on the square. 他們在廣場搭起了一個臨時的演講台。

3. supply sb. 's needs供給;供應

    I think we can fix you up with what you want. 我想我們能供應你所需要的東西。

    Can you fix me up with a new bulb for the headlight of my car?你能給我一個車前燈的新燈泡嗎?

4. provide lodging for為某人安排住處

    I think we can fix you up for the night. 我想我們能安排你們今晚的住處。

    The hotel attendants fixed up the tired travellers for the night. 旅館的服務員為疲乏的旅客們安頓了住處。

5. provide an opportunity or work for為…提供機會或工作

    They fixed me up with this job. 他們給我安排了這個工作。

    If you apply at the office,I'm sure they can fix you up with a job. 如果你到辦事處申請,我相信他們會為你安排一個工作的。

    Can you fix me up with a parttime job?你能給我安排一份業餘工作嗎?

6. dress up;dress carefully打扮;注意衣著

    Do I have to fix up to go to their house?我要衣冠整齊才能到他們家裡去嗎?

    She fixed herself up for the festival as neatly as she could. 為了過節,她把自己盡量打扮得漂漂亮亮的。

7. set in order;arrange properly整理;收拾

    Please fix your room up in the morning. 請在早上把你的屋子整理好。

    You'd better tidy up your desk a bit and have all the drawers fixed up. 你最好整理一下你的書桌,把所有的抽屜都收拾一下。

8. repair修理

    We are having our old house fixed up. 我們正請人修理舊房子。

    I'll fix up my car. 我要修理我的車子。

    The motor needs fixing up. 這部發動機需要修理了。

    The old machine was fixed up and put to work again. 那台舊機器已修好,又開始運轉了。

    9. attend to. 處理;照料

    That dentist will fix your teeth up. 牙醫會把你的牙補好的。

    If you get into trouble,the counselor will try to fix you up. 假如你有麻煩,律師會為你處理的。

10. restore sb. from ill health;cure使某人恢復健康;治愈

    A few days'rest will fix you up. 休息幾天就會使你恢復健康。

    The doctor fixed her up fine. 醫生把她的病治好了。

11. solve;arrange a settlement of;bring to a conclusion解決;使結束;議定

    They've fixed up their differences. 他們已經解決了他們的分歧。

    A contract has been fixed up. 一份契約已經議定好了。

    We are trying hard to fix up their disputes. 我們正在努力解決他們之間的爭執。

    They have fixed the matter up now. 他們現在已經解決了這個問題。

    They tried in vain to fix up their differences. 他們試圖解決他們的矛盾,但沒有成功。

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